Water may seem like an endless resource, but according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only 1% of our planet’s water is potable. The rest is either frozen solid or salt water, and many communities in the U.S. struggle to access clean, affordable water. Installing water efficient appliances is not only the right thing to do—it may significantly reduce your water bill.
When purchasing toilets, faucets, and showerheads, look for the WaterSense label, indicating water efficiency. According to the EPA, WaterSense labeled toilets could save a family of four $2,000 in water bills over the life of the toilets. Efficient showerheads reduce consumption by 25–60%, and the right faucet can reduce a sink’s flow by 30% or more. If every American switched to efficient faucets alone, we could save enough water each year to meet the demands of a city the size of Miami—for 150 days!
The ENERGY STAR® label is also a guide for water conservation, so keep an eye out next time you’re in the market for a new washing machine. These washing machines not only use less electricity, they use 35–50% less water!
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