Composting Can Save You Money
If you’re a gardener, your compost pile can save you money by taking the place of expensive fertilizers.
That Stylish Composting Pail!
Fashionistas will love the look of the new, designer-styled composting pails that will dress up any kitchen. And, they are equipped with charcoal filters, so no onion or garlic smells can leak out.
Compost Makes a Garden Thrive
There’s no better soil amendment than compost. It makes clay soils more porous and helps sandy soils retain water. Gardens that are composted produce higher yields of healthier fruits, vegetables and flowers.
It’s Good for Mother Earth!
Across the nation, landfills are overflowing, and the EPA estimates that roughly 25% of the garbage in landfills is
made up of yard trimmings and food scraps. That’s over 60 million tons each year that could be recycled into compost!
For more information on composting, visit:
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