Millions of Americans have made recycling a way of life and we deserve kudos for making the world a cleaner place. However, recycling is only part of the equation. It takes precious energy to recycle anything, and we can never
truly recycle plastic items— we can only downgrade them into carpet or other material that is ultimately destined for the landfill.
Creative reuse means getting the most out of everything we consume. The following ideas will enhance your life, save you money, and help create a better world.
Wine corks for your garden: Chop them up and add them to soil to create a strong, moisture-retaining mulch.
Yogurt containers for plants: No need to usea heavy ceramic pot fora tiny little seedling.Start them off in a used
yogurt container until they’re ready to transplant.
Aluminum foil as… aluminum foil: That’s right! When left intact after you’redone cooking, you can simply wash aluminum and reuse it for your next meal.
The many faces of egg cartons: Tear up Styrofoam egg cartons to use as shipping material and use paper egg cartons to get your next campfire started. Now, if you’re truly industrious, you can soundproof an entire room with egg cartons—although you probably won’t win any awards for stunning interior design.
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